Versions Compared


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  1. Install the following packages
    sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client libmysqlclient-devsudo pip install mysqlclient
  2. Once installation of the mysql-server has been completed, setup your root user
    sudo mysql_secure_installation
    Follow the prompts with creating a root user, we had the following answers
  3. Once mysql has been completely, log into mysql to install the NearBeach user
    sudo mysql -u root -p
    enter in the root password for MySQL

  4. Create the new nearbeach user

    CREATE USER 'nearbeach'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<<password>>';

  5. Create the database NearBeach
  6. Grant the nearbeach user access to the NearBeach database

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON NearBeach.* TO 'nearbeach'@'localhost';

  7. Flush all priveledges
  8. Exit mysql
  9. Edit the django project settings file to allow your django project access to the mysql database
    cd <<django_project_location>>
    nano ./<<django_project>>/

    Add the following code into the database section of the settings file


        'default': {

            'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.mysql',

            'NAME': '<<mysql password>>database>>',

            'USER': '<<mysql username>>',

            'PASSWORD': '<<mysql password>>',

            'HOST': 'localhost', # Or an IP Address that your DB is hosted on

            'PORT': '3306',



  10. Restart gunicorn
    sudo service gunicorn restart
  11. Migrate the basic Django admin tables to the database
    source <<virtualenv_location>>/bin/activate
    pip install mysqlclient

    cd <<django_project_location>>
    ./ migrate
  12. Create the super user for the Django Project
    ./ createsuperuser
    Follow the prompts to create the superuser
  13. Test your Django project by visiting your site

You should now have a blank page.